Axeten provides OSINT investigation and research services to corporate customers worldwide.
Our pricing is very competitive, and turn around times are fast.
Its easy to instruct Axeten, and our guarantee mitigates the risk.

Axeten specialises in Social Media research, which is processed in full compliance with the GDPR, the UK-GDPR, DPA 2018 and privacy legislation in other jurisdictions.


Customer Profile

Axeten accepts instructions from corporate entities, legal sector professionals, government agencies and accredited Private Investigators, with a data protection registration. There is no requirement to sign-up or register to use the Axeten research service and customers have the right to resell an Axeten investigation service to their clients, with no obligation to disclose Axeten as the process provider.


Safe Investigations

Axeten investigators gather evidence from hundreds of data sources that are all in the public domain. We never engage with the subject of an investigation.
All of the evidence is logged and secured so that if that same evidence no longer displays online, you can still rely on the material that has been located, gathered and preserved by Axeten.

Typical OSINT Research might include, but is not limited to:

  • Insurance Fraud: Personal Injury, Staged Accidents & Property Theft
  • Corporate KYC/CDD
  • Financial crime: Money Laundering & Tax Evasion
  • Brand Protection & Counterfeit Fraud

Instructions are processed without bias or prejudice, so that we follow the evidence. Our work is impartial and we do not seek to satisfy any desired outcome.


Instructing Axeten

Before instructing Axeten, determine and document the Lawful Basis for the instruction.

Then read the Axeten guidelines, then compose and remit your compliant instruction.

By e-mail, send your instruction to case at with the instruction in an attachment.

It is important that you provide the minimum required information as set-out in the instruction guidelines.

The more info you are able to provide, the quicker the research process, and the lower the cost to you.

Upon receipt of your instruction, Axeten shall respond with a notice of acceptance that shall include our anticipated delivery date and estimated price for the service.

Where our proposed delivery date is not acceptable to you, and you wish to cancel, notify us by immediate return e-mail.

Standard delivery is usually 15-20 working days.

Where your instruction is marked as 'Urgent', delivery is 1-10 working days, depending on the nature of the instruction.

An urgent instruction might incur a premium fee, where the value depends on our work load and your deadline.

All instructions marked 'Urgent' require agreement of the term and price, before processing commences.


The Axeten Guarantee

All investigations processed by Axeten are covered by our no win no fee guarantee


GDPR & the Investigation Process

Before you instruct Axeten, read the Axeten GDPR Agreement

A notice of acceptance of your instruction is sent to you before we start to process your instruction.

All research is processed in strict compliance with the GDPR.

The subject of the instruction shall not be aware of the research.

Each investigation is a separate contract.

A record of each instruction is retained in the Axeten Research Register but with no personal data.

After an investigation performed and the Case eBundle has been sent to the customer, all files relating to the case, that contain is personal data, are deleted from Axeten servers.


Lawful Basis

Before you instruct Axeten to process an instruction, you are required to determine and document the legal basis for the instruction.

Under the GDPR, you have the right to investigate a person where the purpose is explicit and legitimate.

More about Lawful Basis and Instructing Axeten


DB Investigations

These are not online database investigations that are processed during a regular OSINT investigation. DB investigations relate to data breach resources. In no circumstance will Axeten perform a data breach, but there are terra-bytes of data breach dumps available online, much of this is located on the dark web. Data breaches have become one of the most prolific OSINT resources. To instruct Axeten to process a data breach investigation, the scope shall be agreed and your policies shall permit the processing of data acquired from a data breach.


The Case eBundle

Axeten shall deliver to you a complete Case eBundle.

The Case eBundle contains:

  • The Report in PDF
  • An Attachments folder with all the evidence files
  • An Audit Log
  • A folder of hashes files that verify the evidence

When the contract is performed, the Case eBundle in your possession is the only case bundle in existence.

Upon receipt of a link to a Case eBundle, download it immediately and keep it safe. Where you might choose to re-open a case, return the Case eBundle to Axeten, with your further instruction.



Axeten prefers to communicate with encrypted e-mail.

This is our Public Key.

When a case bundle is ready for delivery, you shall be invited to download the case bundle from our secure sever.

The download is password protected.

The password can be sent to you by secure e-mail or SMS.

We prefer to not send a case bundle as an e-mail attachment. Where this is an obligation, the case bundle can be encrypted or password protected.


Deletion Policy

So that we might comply with the GDPR, Axeten stores completed cases for the minimum reasonable term. Please read our Deletion Policy



Use the secure form on the contact page, to inquire about OSINT Investigations,  III (OSINT) and Social Media Research Training Courses and Public Speaking.