These courses require no preparatory back-ground reading.



The OSINT Training Course in 8 Modules

Module Description Duration in Hours:Mins  
No. Name LOT Assessment Total Detail
1 Legislation & Ops Sec with Processing Personas Introduces the legislation, guidelines and ethics that relate to the activities of OSINT practitioners with explanations of the processes for developing safe and effective policies and procedures & introduces and explains the ethical & responsible capacity of a Processing Persona (PP) and demonstrates, live on-line the creation and management of an effective PP by an OSINT practitioner. 3:30 0:30 4:00
2 Search Engines & Advanced Searches Introduces a selection of Search Engines and different types of Search Engine, explains and demonstrates, live on-line, the various search queries and techniques that can be deployed to optimise the results. 3:30 0:30 4:00
3 Digital Files & Images Introduces the many different types of digital files, including still and moving images; then explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, the techniques to locate and extract data and other intelligence from the material. 3:30 0:30 4:00
4 Emails & Phone Numbers Introducing e-mail & telephony resources with explanations and live, on-line demonstrations of the techniques required to exploit these resources & introducing messaging apps as an investigative resource, with explanations and live on-line demonstrations of the techniques required to exploit the resource, including emulators. 3:30 0:30 4:00
5 Social Media Part 1 - LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter Introducing the capabilities of Social Media as an investigative resource & processing users and the content they publish on Instagram, X (Twitter), Linkedin, Bayt, Threads and other social media platforms. 3:30 0:30 4:00
6 Social Media Part 2 - Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat Introducing the capabilities of Social Media as an investigative resource & processing users and the still and moving images (videos) content they publish on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Flickr and other image sharing platforms 3:30 0:30 4:00
7 Blogs, Forums & Online Marketplaces Explains blogs, forums & similar platforms, and then demonstrates, live and on-line, how to deploy OSINT techniques to identify people using these resources & introducing internet marketplaces and the activity of users, with explanations and live on-line demonstrations of the resources and techniques to identify people and their activities. 3:30 0:30 4:00
8 Online Databases Explains online databases that can be accessed by the practitioner with live on-line demonstrations of the processing techniques. 3:30 0:30 4:00


The OSINT Refresher Course in 6 Modules

Module Description Duration in Hours:Mins  
No. Name LOT Assessment Total Detail
1 Legislation and lawful processing & Synthetic Identities

The GDPR and similar legislation in other jurisdictions and the implications for all OSINT processing.

3:30 0:30 4:00
2 Processing Search Engines

Google Dorks and other advanced search queries including other types of search-engines with their limitations & capabilities with a focus on safe processing.

3:30 0:30 4:00
3 Processing Images, files, emails, phone numbers & IP addresses Processing e-mails, phone numbers IP addresses, domain names and other digital assets to locate and identify people. 3:30 0:30 4:00
4 Social Media Platforms Part 1 Processing users and the content they publish on Instagram, X (Twitter), Linkedin and other social media platforms. 3:30 0:30 4:00

Social Media Platforms Part 2

Processing users and the still and moving images (videos) content they publish on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Flickr and other image sharing platforms. 3:30 0:30 4:00
6 Safe processing and the Positive Identification of a Subject This module covers many of the techniques and resources covered in modules 2 - 5 that allow for a positive identification & an introduction to Data Breach. 3:30 0:30 4:00


The OSINT Updates Course in 4 Modules

Not currently available as a DLC or Classroom course

Module Description Duration in Hours:Mins
No. Name LOT Assessment Total
1 Google Resources  GAIA ID , Epieos & Manual processing, Google Documents, Google Drive, Google Cloud Console, Command Line Capabilities. 3:30 0:30 4:00
2 Social Media Updates Instagram new capabilities, Facebook new capabilities, X (Twitter) new capabilities, Linkedin new capabilites, Processing TikTok, Processing Truth.Social, Introduction to Command Line capabilities. 3:30 0:30 4:00
3 Geolocation Techniques & Resources Technique to determine Date:Time of A Satellite Image, Technique to determine Date:Time of Street View & Other Images, Reverse Image Search with Geolocation focus, Processing with HuntIntel, Processing with Echosec. 3:30 0:30 4:00
4 Processing Data Breach & Leaks Processing with Synapsint, Processing with Seon, Processing Data Breaches, Intelx, Data breaches on the Dark Web, Searching downloaded data-sets. 3:30 0:30 4:00


The SOCMINT Course in 3 Modules

Module Description Duration in Hours:Mins  
No. Name LOT Assessment Total Detail
1 Social Media Platforms Part 1 Processing users and the content they publish on Instagram, X (Twitter), Linkedin and other social media platforms. 3:30 0:30 4:00

Social Media Platforms Part 2

Processing users and the still and moving images (videos) content they publish on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Snapchat, Flickr and other image sharing platforms. 3:30 0:30 4:00
3 Blogs, Forums & Online Marketplaces Explains blogs, forums & similar platforms, and then demonstrates, live and on-line, how to deploy OSINT techniques to identify people using these resources & introducing internet marketplaces and the activity of users, with explanations and live on-line demonstrations of the resources and techniques to identify people and their activities. 3:30 0:30 4:00


The Command Line Course in 2 Modules

Not available as a Classroom course

Module Description Duration in Hours:Mins  
No. Name LOT Assessment Total Detail
1 Preparation for Command Line Processing Assessing the various Operating Systems and the different ways to deploy them including Virtual Machines, Linux Platforms, Browser accessible consoles, the Linux layer in the Windows OS and an Android Application. 3:30 0:30 4:00

Command Line Processing

Processing with several OSINT Command Line Applications that might include, MOSINT, Social Analyzer, Phone Infoga, Snap Intel, ReconNG, Totatis (Instagram), The Harvester, Cardpwn, Xeuledoc & Poastal. 3:30 0:30 4:00