From the list below, select the payment option, choose the number of participants, and then proceed to Pay. To make a payment on this page, you must be registered for TVA in the EU (EAA). After payment, a receipt will be provided with the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) applied. If you are in the EU (EEA) and you are not registered for TVA, pay here. OSINT Life Long Learning - 1 year payment : LLL-X-1 : 200.00 EUR OSINT Life Long Learning - 5 year payment : LLL-X-5 : 1000.00 EUR OSINT Final Exam : FE-X-18 : 50.00 EUR 1 Trainee2 Trainees3 Trainees4 Trainees5 Trainees6 Trainees7 Trainees8 Trainees9 Trainees10 Trainees11 Trainees12 Trainees13 Trainees14 Trainees15 Trainees If you make a purchase out of business hours, please do not be concerned if you do not hear from us until the next working day.