Axeten III (OSINT) Training Modules

The Blended Online courses and the Distance Learning Course all use the same 18 modules.

These Blended modules are not available for classroom training.

Summary of the Blended modules and the Blended modules for Law Enforcement

CPD Credits summary and for Law Enforcement

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Module Description Duration in Hours:Mins  
No. Name Prep LOT T&E Total Detail

Introducing the training

An induction to the training, introducing the scope, process and assessment of the course with explanations of the legal obligations. This module is mandatory. 2:20 2:20 0:20 5:00
1B Introducing Open Source Intelligence Investigations Introducing the capabilities of internet intelligence and investigations.
1C Introduction to the Principles & Process of an III (OSINT) Investigation Introduces and explains the principles of gathering open source intelligence with an overview of the processes deployed to gather and preserve intelligence.
2-U Legislation, Policies, Guidance and Ethics (Public Authorities) Introduces the legislation, guidelines and ethics that relate to the activities of Public Authority III (OSINT) practitioners in the UK & Europe, with explanations of the processes for developing safe and effective policies and procedures. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
3 Computer Set-up and Operational Security Explains and demonstrates how a computer should be set-up and made safe for effective investigation processing and how the on-line footprint and fingerprint can be identified and obfuscated for safe processing. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
4-U Processing Personas for Public Authority practitioners Introduces and explains the lawful basis of a Processing Persona (PP) and demonstrates, live and on-line the creation and management of overt & covert PPs for deployment by a Public Authority practitioner. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
5A POLE and the structure of an investigation An explanation of the POLE structure of an investigation, with it’s inherent data standards and a live demonstration of real-time deployment of POLE items during an investigation process. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
5B Safe processing of a III (OSINT) investigation Explains and demonstrates the safe investigation processes of decision making, contemporaneous note taking, sensitive processing, eForensic security and preparation for eDisclosure. These processes shall be demonstrated time and again during subsequent Live Online Training events, so that the practitioner will acquire the capability to process an investigation for safe and effective prosecution (litigation).
5C Intelligence Grading & Report Composition Introduces, explains and demonstrates the Intelligence Grading process and Report composition for an online investigation.
6A The Internet, its Structure and Investigation Opportunities Introduces the Internet and how it developed and explains its structure and the investigative opportunities with live on-line demonstrations of the processes to investigate IP Addresses & Domain Names. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
6B Websites, The Internet of Things & Other Resources Explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, the processes to investigate entities connected to websites, the Internet of Things and other networked and stand-alone technical resources.
6C Processing People & Vanity Names Introduces, explains and demonstrates, live on-line, the processes to locate and investigate people and their Vanity Names.
7A Search Resources & Capabilities Introduces a selection of Search Engines and different types of Search Engine, explains and demonstrates, live on-line, the various search queries and techniques that can be deployed to optimise the results. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
7B Advanced Processes with Google Search Advanced Search capabilities explained and demonstrated, live and on-line, with Google as the primary example.
8A Processing Digital Text & Image Files Introduces the many different types of digital files, including still and moving images; then explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, the techniques to locate and extract data and other intelligence from the material. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
8B Mapping, Geolocation & Satellite Earth Imagery Resources Introduces, explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, the techniques to process online mapping and earth imagery solutions.
9A Communication Resources: Email & Telephony Introducing e-mail & telephony resources with explanations and live, on-line demonstrations of the techniques required to exploit these resources. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
9B Communication Resources: Messaging Apps & Other Resources Introducing messaging apps as an investigative resource, with explanations and live on-line demonstrations of the techniques required to exploit the resource, including emulators.
10A Processing Social Media Platforms as an Investigative resource Introducing the capabilities of Social Media as an investigative resource, with explanations of the processes to identify people through their social media accounts and activities. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
10B Processing LinkedIn & Similar Platforms Explains and demonstrates how to locate and capture intelligence and material available on the social media platform LinkedIn and other similar platforms.
10C Processing X (Twitter), Threads
& Similar Platforms
Explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, how to locate and capture intelligence and material available on the micro-blogging platforms X (formerly Twitter), Threads and other similar platforms.
11 Photo & Video Sharing Platforms Explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, how to locate and capture intelligence and material available on many popular photo & video sharing platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat & YouTube. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
12A Processing Facebook Explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, how to locate and capture intelligence and material that is available on Facebook; including advanced Facebook search techniques. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
12B Other Social Media Platforms Introduces, explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, the investigative techniques deployed on several other social media platforms that may be new to the practitioner. There is an emphasis on accessing and investigating foreign language platforms.
13A The Deep Web: Online Databases Introduces online databases that can be accessed by the practitioner with explanations and live on-line demonstrations of the processing techniques. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
13B Processing News Media Introduces a wide selection of online News media that can be accessed by the practitioner with explanations and live on-line demonstrations of the processing techniques.
14A Blogs, Forums & Similar Platforms Introduces blogs, forums & similar platforms, then explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, how to deploy III (OSINT) techniques to identify people using these resources. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
14B Online Marketplaces Introducing internet marketplaces and the activity of users, with explanations and live on-line demonstrations of the resources and techniques to identify people and their activities.
15A Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies Introduces the Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies and explains, with live on-line demonstrations, the investigative capabilities of these online resources. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
15B The Dark Web & the TOR Network Introducing the Dark Web with explanations and a live on-line and demonstration of how to access the TOR network to locate intelligence & material.
16 Data Breaches Introduces Data Breaches, then explains and provides live on-line demonstrations of the processes to locate and capture intelligence. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
17 Command Line Investigations Introduces the Command Line, and explains and demonstrates, live and on-line, how to locate and gather intelligence. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00
18 Advanced investigative applications Introduces and demonstrates, live and on-line, the investigative capabilities of Maltego, Skopenow, Censys and Shodan. 2:00 2:30 0:30 5:00